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Statistical Musings


Like it or not, the Real Estate Council of Alberta’s (RECA) monthly Case Summaries publication is one of its most popular – but have you ever wondered about the statistics behind our conduct reviews? RECA recently reviewed demographic statistics from the past year and have made some preliminary observations we want to share with you.

Each year, RECA’s Professional Conduct Review team opens 350 to 450 conduct review (investigation) files. (You can view the 2012 – 2013 professional conduct review outcomes starting on page 20 of our Annual Report available here.)

Council is committed to reducing the number of complaints by increasing awareness of self-regulation and what it means, and by increasing its emphasis on professionalism. When we add demographics, the statistics take on a different meaning in achieving this goal and they can help RECA develop targeted education.

As of the end of January 2014, 61% of real estate industry professionals were male and 39% were female. During the past 10 months, RECA completed 261 investigations. Approximately 69% of those investigations involved males and 31% involved female real estate professionals. Could males need more education and support than females? Are women more aware of their role in self-regulation? Are women more professional? Is it possible men receive more complaints because they’re involved in more trades? What do you think?

At the end of January 2014, 27% of real estate professionals practiced designated agency but only 20% of the 261 investigations involved designated agents. Could this suggest real estate brokerages that have switched from common law agency to designated agency are more aware of their role in self-regulation? Do designated agency industry professionals better focus on their agency obligations? Are designated agents’ roles clearer to clients because of the requirement for written service agreements? What do you think?

At the end of January 2014, 26% of real estate practitioners had been in the business less than 5 years while a similar number, 27%, had more than 15 years’ experience. In the 261 investigation files, approximately 16% involved relative newcomers while 38% involved more “seasoned” industry professionals. What do you think this means? Are new real estate professionals better equipped for their career? Are they more responsible, accountable or professional? Is improved pre-licensing education having a positive effect on competence, awareness of self-regulation, and professionalism? What do you think?

So think about this – if you are a male, common law agency real estate professional, will you change your approach the next time you’re inclined to tell someone you’ve been in the business and doing it “this way” for more than 15 years?