RECA’s Proposed Strategic Priorities: Let us know what you think!
| April 21, 2022
We heard you!
From November 2021 to January 2022, RECA stakeholders like you, provided their thoughts on what trends, issues, and challenges they see in their industry now, and what they see coming in the future. Through this opportunity, stakeholders informed RECA of regulatory matters it should be focusing on, where red tape could be reduced, and the relevancy of RECA’s past strategic priorities. After carefully considering input from licensees, trade associations, consumers, government, and each of the four Industry Councils, RECA’s Board developed three broad strategic priorities that will inform the RECA 2022-25 Strategic Plan.

Your feedback throughout the strategic planning process has led directly to the proposed priorities, and now we need to hear from you again! Please take 20 minutes to let us know your thoughts on the proposed priorities. We understand your time is valuable, but your feedback to your regulator is also valuable. It can help shape how you are regulated moving forward.
RECA Proposed Strategic Priorities Survey
The Board and all of RECA are committed to meaningful engagement with all stakeholders, and RECA will communicate with all stakeholders immediately when the 2022-25 Strategic Plan becomes available. RECA will also communicate how the feedback in this survey, and throughout the strategic planning process, impacted RECA’s strategic direction, and its role as a regulator.
The deadline to provide your feedback is June 9, 2022.
If you would like to provide feedback beyond the questions in the survey, you may do so via email to
All stakeholder engagement conducted by RECA will follow the Stakeholder Engagement Policy. The Board believes strongly that all engagement must be timely, meaningful, consistent, equal, transparent, and effective.
Thank you for taking the time to participate in self-regulation. It is a privilege that only works when stakeholders take part, and when their voices are heard.