Resolution 2010-6

Resolution 2010-6 of the Real Estate Council of Alberta

WHEREAS by Section 11 of the Real Estate Act, the Real Estate Council of Alberta has the authority to make bylaws;

At its meeting on July 7, 2010 Council passed a motion to amend Sections 5 and 7 of the Real Estate Act Bylaws and section 2 of Schedule 1 (Rules of Procedure) by replacing “Vice-Chair” with “Chair-Elect”.

The Executive Director is authorized to make all the necessary housekeeping changes to Council documents, website and publications wherever the term “Vice-Chair” is currently used.

Section 5(4) of the Real Estate Act Bylaws is amended to read:

“At this meeting, subject to his or her consent, the Chair-Elect for the preceding term shall be deemed elected to the position of Chair.”

Dated at Calgary this 7 day of July 2010

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