WHEREAS pursuant to section 11(c) of the Real Estate Act, S.A. 1995, c. R-4.5, as amended (the “Act”), the Real Estate Council of Alberta (the “Council”) has the power, duty and responsibility to make bylaws respecting the duties of members and officers of the Council and their remuneration;
AND WHEREAS section 9(1)(c)(iii) and (iv) prohibit members of Council from impeding Council from carrying out its purposes or adversely affecting the integrity of the Council;
AND WHEREAS members of Council have decided that members of Council should attend meetings of Council and that if members of Council do not attend meetings, such members would be impeding Council from carrying out its purposes and would adversely affect the integrity of Council;
AND WHEREAS pursuant to section 84(1) of the Act, Council has the sole authority to amend the bylaws;
Bylaw 3(2) shall be deleted therefrom and replaced in its entirety with the following:
3(2)A member of Council is disqualified from Council if the member is absent from three consecutive Council or Council Committee meetings or is absent from a total of six Council or Council Committee meetings over a 12 month period.
3(3)A member of Council is not disqualified by being absent from Council or Council Committee meetings under subsection 3(2) if the Council Chair or Council Committee Chair, before or after the meeting, excuses the member from attending the meeting if the Council Chair or Council Committee Chair considers that the member has a valid reason for not attending or if the Council member is absent from a Council meeting or Council Committee meeting on Council business at the direction of Council.
DATED at Edmonton, Alberta, this 16th day of July 1997.