January 22, 2020 – Christine Joy Coggins: Lifetime Withdrawal from Industry

Calgary, Alberta – On January 22, 2020, Christine Joy Coggins, previously a real estate broker in Linden, applied to permanently withdraw from industry membership.

At the time of her application, Ms. Coggins was the subject of an investigation under the Real Estate Act. The issues under investigation were whether Ms. Coggins:

  • had knowledge of the misconduct of real estate associates under her supervision, and failed to take any steps to correct the misconduct or reduce resulting harm
  • failed to offer a transaction brokerage agreement where required
  • failed to provide proper disclosure to clients; and
  • failed to provide brokerage personnel with written policies in regards to personal trades in real estate

At the time of Ms. Coggins’ withdrawal from industry, the investigation was not complete and there had been no disciplinary hearing, admissions, or findings of fact.

The Real Estate Council of Alberta approved Ms. Coggins application to withdraw, and this results in a voluntary lifetime prohibition from industry membership; conduct proceedings are now discontinued.

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