News Releases 2024

RECA releases information to the media and the public when we have announcements, issue a consumer alert, suspend a licensee, or when licensees take a lifetime withdrawal. Media should contact for more information.

RECA’s consumer protection mandate means RECA must use every means at its disposal to communicate important information to consumers. Browse the 2024 news releases below or select another year from the archives menu:

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As part of the Real Estate Council of Alberta (RECA) mandate to protect consumers and uphold industry standards, we are advising the public that Frank Paul Peresta (Peresta) cannot trade in real estate or provide property management services in Alberta, effective October 15, 2024.

Following a conduct hearing convened under s.43(1)(a) of the Real Estate Act, a Hearing Panel found Peresta’s actions deserving of sanction. This was based on the evidence presented and an agreement by Peresta regarding their conduct. Peresta was advised that their license would be cancelled effective October 15, 2024, and a written decision will be forthcoming. Once the written decision is available, it will be posted on the Decisions and Appeals webpage.

RECA publishes these decisions to protect consumers, ensure transparency, and provide education on the Real Estate Act standards of practice. RECA’s Find a Licensee tool allows anyone to search for a licensee (real estate, mortgage, property management and condominium management) and see if they are licensed and in good standing.

If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact

Calgary, Alberta—on June 18, 2024, the Real Estate Council of Alberta (RECA) suspended the real estate associate licence of Eric Andrew Drinkwater under s.53 of the Real Estate Act (the Act). Effective immediately, Drinkwater cannot trade in real estate in Alberta.

Suspensions under s.53(1)(a) are made when, during an investigation into alleged breaches of the Act, RECA determines it is in the public interest to temporarily suspend an individual pending the outcome of that investigation.

The suspension will continue until the current proceedings under Part 3 of the Act concerning Drinkwater’s conduct are concluded. All RECA investigations resulting in discipline are posted on

Drinkwater was registered at the time of conduct as a real estate associate broker with 4th Street Holdings Ltd. o/a Re/Max Real Estate (Central).

If any consumer has transactions in progress or existing client relationships with Drinkwater, please contact RECA at 403-228-2954 or

Allegations against Drinkwater include breaches of:

Real Estate Act  s.17
No person shall:

  • (d) advertise themselves as, or in any way hold themselves out as, a mortgage broker, real estate broker, or property manager unless that person holds the appropriate licence for that purpose issued by the Residential Real Estate Industry Council

Real Estate Act Rules s.40(1)
A licensee must immediately notify, in writing, the Registrar when:

  • (c) the licensee has any judgment(s) rendered against the licensee in relation to the provision of services or sale of goods to consumers

Real Estate Act Rules s.42
A licensee must not:

  • (a) make representations or carry on conduct that is reckless or intentional and that misleads or deceives any person or is likely to do so
  • (b) participate in fraudulent or unlawful activities in connection with the provision of services or in any dealing
  • (f) physically, sexually, emotionally, or verbally abuse a client, customer, licensee, or party to a trade in real estate
  • (g) engage in conduct that undermines public confidence in the industry, harms the integrity of the industry, or brings the industry into disrepute

Real Estate Act Rules s.44(1)
In addition to the requirements of the relevant legislation on the protection of personal information, a licensee must not disclose information regarding a client, property or transaction to another person unless:

  • (a) authorized by the client
  • (b) required by law

Calgary, Alberta — The Real Estate Council of Alberta (RECA) is advising consumers to evaluate the risks of condition-free offers to purchase property.

Currently, Alberta’s real estate market is extremely competitive, with a limited supply of homes for sale, meaning sellers often receive multiple offers. Home buyers may feel they need to tailor their offer to appeal to the home seller and may consider making a condition-free offer to stand out from other buyers. RECA is advising consumers that this home buying strategy has risks.

Most offers to purchase a home are conditional, meaning they have criteria that must be met before the property purchase can be completed. These criteria must be written into the offer to purchase, with an exact explanation of how the condition will be met, and the timeframe for when the condition must be met. If the buyer does not waive conditions by the agreed upon deadline, an offer to purchase becomes void.

A condition can be anything the buyer and seller agree to, as long as it is written in the signed offer to purchase. Typical conditions include conditions for a buyer to:

  • secure financing
  • complete a home inspection to their satisfaction
  • review condominium documents to their satisfaction
  • finalize the sale of their current property

Conditional offers allow buyers and their licensees to perform due diligence research on a property, such as getting a home inspection and properly reviewing all relevant information such as the title or condominium documents. Conditional offers also allow buyers to secure financing for the property, typically through a mortgage.

Consumers should be aware that a mortgage pre-approval is not a guarantee they will obtain financing. Mortgage pre-approval is only tentative approval based on the buyer’s basic financial information.  It is also important to note that at the pre-approval stage, the property is not yet known. Property type, location, or value can impact the financing available.

For any reason, including not securing financing, if a home buyer fails to complete the purchase as stated, they may forfeit their deposit and could face legal action by the seller.

Consumers are urged to discuss any plans to make a condition-free offer with their real estate licensee. Home buyers should also be sure to speak to their mortgage broker about the financing implications of submitting a condition-free offer. RECA licensees must advise their clients about the risks and possible implications of condition-free offers.

For more information on condition-free purchase offers, please see this Information Bulletin.

Share this story: Consumer News: Know the Risks of Condition-Free Purchase Offers

Calgary, Alberta— The Real Estate Council of Alberta (RECA) now offers five comprehensive translated versions of its Home Buyer’s Guide and Home Seller’s Guide. RECA is making resources available in the most common first languages in Alberta as part of its mandate to protect Alberta’s real estate consumers.

Newcomers to Canada are more at risk of being taken advantage of by unlicensed individuals and companies. These resources will remove barriers to information consumers need to make informed decisions in their real estate and mortgage transactions

The guides are now available in the following languages:

  • Spanish
  • Simplified Chinese
  • Punjabi
  • Ukrainian
  • French

“The Home Buyer’s Guide and Home Seller’s Guide have been valuable resources for consumers for many years,” said Russ Morrow, RECA CEO. “By providing translated versions of these guides, many Albertans will now have the resources they need to protect themselves when it comes to buying, selling or renting a home.”

The Home Buyer’s Guide provides consumers with valuable information on working with a licensee, understanding and securing financing, and what to expect on possession day.

The Home Seller’s Guide provides consumers with information about the entire home selling process, from the first thought of selling your home to handing over the keys to the new buyer.

All versions of the Home Buyer’s Guide and Home Seller’s Guide are available for consumers on

Calgary, Alberta—January 23, 2024, the Real Estate Council of Alberta (RECA) is warning condominium corporations about the unlicensed activity of Travis Peter John More and his company, More Property Management.

In October and November of 2023, RECA was made aware that More was advertising and offering condominium management services without a licence. More advertised condominium management services on his website and provided services such as collecting and holding funds and arranging and supervising repairs and maintenance on behalf of a condominium corporation. At this time, More acknowledged to RECA that he was not licensed as a condominium manager and did not plan to cease providing services that require a licence.

On November 23, 2023, RECA issued a $10,000 Administrative Penalty to More notifying him to cease providing any condominium management services that require a licence.

RECA believes More may still be providing condominium management services while not licensed.

Protect Yourself

Using licensed brokerages and individual licensees protects condominium corporations. Licensing ensures brokerages and individuals have the necessary education and experience to competently provide condominium management services and are accountable to high standards of practice.

RECA urges any condominium corporations who use a condominium management company to verify the licence status of the condominium management brokerage and any individual condominium managers on RECA’s website by following these steps:

  • go to RECA’s “Find a Licensee” search tool
  • click “search by person” or “search by brokerage”
  • type the full name, click “search”
  • check whether the status is “active” in the far left column

More operates a condominium management company called More Property Management, which is also unlicensed.

Read the full details of the Administrative Penalty issued to More.

If you have concerns regarding Travis More or anyone offering condominium management, property management, real estate or mortgage services please contact

Share this story: January 23, 2024—Consumer Alert: Travis More – Unlicensed Condominium Management

Calgary, Alberta — on November 20, 2023, the Real Estate Council of Alberta (RECA) cancelled the licence of Casurt Roy Morgan. Morgan cannot reapply for a licence for three years, until November 20, 2026

Under s.43(1)(a) of the Real Estate Act, if a Hearing Panel finds the conduct of a licensee is deserving of sanction, they may make an order cancelling any licence. Should Morgan choose to become licensed after the three years have passed, Morgan will be required to successfully complete all education requirements as if they had never been licensed. Morgan was also ordered to pay total fines of $30,000 and total costs of $15,620.

Morgan cannot deal in mortgages in Alberta at this time. If any consumer has transactions in progress or existing client relationships with Morgan, please contact Morgan’s mortgage brokerage Axiom Mortgage Solutions Inc. o/a Axiom Mortgage Solutions. RECA publishes these decisions to protect consumers, ensure transparency, and educate existing RECA licensees on the standards of practice.

Over the course of two transactions, Morgan was found by the Hearing Panel to have breached six counts of the following:

Real Estate Act Rules s.42

Licensee must not:

(b) participate in fraudulent or unlawful activities in connection with the provision of services or in any dealing

Morgan was last registered as a mortgage associate with Axiom Mortgage Solutions Inc. o/a Axiom Mortgage Solutions.

Please note a Notice of Intent to Appeal this Hearing Panel Decision has been filed. See the full details of the Hearing Panel Decision here. 

Share this story: January 5, 2024 –Casurt Roy Morgan–Mortgage Licence Cancelled