The Real Estate Council of Alberta, the body tasked with licensing and regulating real estate industry professionals in Alberta, is advising the public that Vipul Dhawan is suspended from dealing in mortgages, effective February 7, 2025, until April 7, 2026.A Hearing Panel (Panel) suspended the mortgage licence of Dhawan under s.43(1)(a) of the Real Estate Act. Dhawan was also ordered to pay $10,000 in fines and $2,215 in costs associated with the investigations.
The vast majority of RECA licensees adhere to high standards of professionalism and integrity. However, the Panel found, and Dhawan admitted, that he breached his professional standards on several occasions through inappropriate, unwelcome and demeaning physical contact. The Panel made a finding of conduct deserving of sanction to ensure consumer protection and maintain public trust in the real estate profession.
Specifically, the Real Estate Act Rules s.42(f) and s.42(g) state that:
For further details and the specific facts regarding this misconduct, please see the full Hearing Panel written decision.
As the Panel noted, it is of the utmost importance to disciplinary bodies that the public has confidence in a profession. A profession’s most valuable asset is its collective reputation and the confidence it inspires. Licensees must understand how important it is to treat others with respect and maintain the public’s confidence in the integrity of the real estate profession.
Most recently, Dhawan was registered as a mortgage associate with 9191712 Canada Inc. (o/a Dominion Lending Centres “Mortgages Are Marvellous”). If you’re a consumer or licensee who has a mortgage deal in progress with Vipul Dhawan, please contact
About RECA:
The Real Estate Council of Alberta (RECA) licences and regulates individuals in the residential and commercial real estate, mortgage, property management, and condominium management industries in Alberta. RECA publishes Hearing Panel decisions to protect consumers, uphold professional industry standards, ensure transparency, and provide education to licensees and the public on the Real Estate Act standards of practice.
RECA’s Find a Licensee tool allows anyone to search for a licensee (real estate, mortgage, property management, and condominium management) to confirm they are licensed and in good standing.