For Consumers

Commitment to Consumer Protection

Our mandate is to serve the public interest by ensuring high standards of RECA’s licensees’ competence and conduct while supporting an informed real estate market. RECA protects consumers by:

Establishing education standards for entry into the real estate, mortgage brokerage, property management, and condominium management industries:

  • All licensees must complete meet the minimum education standards before applying for a licence.

Ensuring the suitability and character of individuals who wish to enter these industries

  • All licence applicants must provide a Certified Criminal Record Check to RECA, and undergo a suitability screening process. Applicants have to answer questions about past disciplinary proceedings, criminal proceedings, bankruptcies, and more when they want to become licensed and when they renew their licence annually. RECA uses a Good Character Policy as the basis for approving or denying an application for a licence.

Requiring mandatory participation in an errors and omissions insurance program

  • All real estate and mortgage licensees must carry errors and omissions insurance as a condition of licensing. This insurance protects consumers against unintentional loss because of mistakes or unintended negligence made by a licensee.

Setting standards of business conduct that promote the integrity of the industries

Investigating complaints

  • When licensees breach the industry standards, consumers can make a complaint to RECA, and RECA will begin an investigation into the conduct of that licensee.
  • The Registrar and/or Hearing and Appeal Panels have the power to discipline, fine, and suspend licensees.

Administering the Consumer Protection Fund

  • The Consumer Protection Fund compensates consumers who have been the victim of fraud, breach of trust, or a failure to disburse or account for money held in trust by an licensee in connection with a trade in real estate or deal in mortgages.

Providing information to consumers about real estate, mortgage, and property management services, and the business of licensees

  • RECA has a comprehensive website containing everything a consumer should know about licensees, and what to expect when working with a licensee. RECA Information Officers are also available to answer consumer questions.

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