Hearings Schedule

The notices of hearing detail the allegations against the licensee, indicate the date on which the hearing will proceed, and the names of the Hearing Panel members. A Notice of Hearing is not a finding of guilt or misconduct.

Disciplinary hearings and appeals are open to the public. Space at a hearing is limited. Licensees and members of the public who wish to attend must contact Carolyn Thompson, Hearings and General Counsel Administrator at cthompson@reca.ca, no less than 24 hours before a Hearing to indicate their attendance.

Public Members Needed!

RECA is looking to fill three (3) public member appointments on the hearing panel roster.

Members of the media who wish to attend a Hearing are required to register in advance by emailing communications@reca.ca.

All hearings will be held virtually until further notice.

For more information contact RECA Hearings and General Counsel Administrator Carolyn Thompson at cthompson@reca.ca. The hearing schedule below is subject to change on short notice. It is incumbent on Hearing attendees to determine if a Hearing is proceeding as indicated.

NameDatesTimeDocumentOther comments
Filipchuk, PamelaApril 14–16, 20259:30 a.m. (virtual)Notice of Hearing
Drinkwater, Eric AndrewMarch 21, 20259:30 a.m. (virtual)Notice of Hearing
Issa, JaydenMarch 10–12, 20259:30 a.m. (virtual)Notice of Hearing
Chu, HenryFebruary 18, 20259:00 a.m. (virtual)Notice of Hearing
Anderson, NelFebruary 3–4, 20259:30 a.m. (virtual)Notice of Hearing
Hahn, Larry DavidJanuary 23–31, 20259:30 a.m. (virtual)Hearing Panel Decision to come

Notice of Hearing
September 10–18, 2024 hearing adjourned to January 2025.
Dhawan, VipulDecember 12, 20249:30 a.m. (virtual)Notice of Hearing
Norman, Angela TracyNovember 18, 20249:30 a.m. (virtual)Notice of Hearing
Rudyk, John EdwardOctober 7–9, 20249:30 a.m. (virtual)Hearing Panel Decision to come

Notice of Hearing
August 27–29, 2024 hearing adjourned to October.
Wade, John WilliamJune 3 & 4, 20249:30 a.m. (virtual)Notice of Hearing
Vo, TonyNovember 21–22, 20239:30 a.m. (virtual)Hearing Panel Decision—adjourned sine die

Notice of Hearing
Adjourned sine die
Chaudhary, Azher (Dreamland Homes)October 25–31, 20239:30 a.m. (virtual)Notice of Hearing
Steele, Greg AlanMarch 15–16 & April 6, 20239:30 a.m. (virtual)Notice of Hearing

RECA withholds the publication of all decisions, including those resulting from a hearing, until the 30-day right of appeal period expires, except where a matter is egregious and would support earlier publication in the interest of consumer protection. Decisions (and the related hearings information) will remain on reca.ca for 5 years from the date of the decision. Submit a Request for Disciplinary History form to access decisions that are no longer available on the website.

NameDatesTimeDocumentOther comments
Banks, Michael CordellDecember 9, 20249:30 a.m. (virtual)Hearing Panel Decision

Notice of Hearing
Licence suspended until February 28, 2025.
$21,000 in fines.
Grekul, Michael EdwardJune 26, 20249:30 a.m. (virtual)Hearing Panel Decision

Notice of Hearing
Currently under Appeal.

$1,500 in fines and a Letter of Reprimand.
Fraser, Justin JamesNovember 29–30 & December 1, 20239:30 a.m. (virtual)Hearing Panel Decision

Notice of Hearing
The licence has been permanently cancelled. Fraser is subject to a lifetime ban from reapplying for a RECA license of any category or class.

$17,950 in costs.

Peresta, Frank PaulOctober 10–11, 20249:30 a.m. (virtual)Hearing Panel Decision

Notice of Hearing
Licence cancelled; may reapply after October 14, 2028, after completing education required for a new licence.
Tsim, Toni HidekiJuly 30, 20249:30 a.m. (virtual)Hearing Panel Decisionuncontested

Notice of Hearing
$2,000 for breach of Real Estate Act s.38(4.1), $1,500 for breach of Real Estate Act Rules s.41(b), $2,000 for breach of Real Estate Act Rules s.42(a), $1,500 for breach of Real Estate Act Rules s.53(c).
Cheung, Ka Chun KevinJune 11, 20249:30 a.m. (virtual)Hearing Panel Decisionuncontested

Notice of Hearing
Duncan, Jason MichaelMay 29 & 30, 20249:30 a.m. (virtual)Hearing Panel Decision

Notice of Hearing
Appeal of the Administrative Penalty dismissed by the Hearing Panel; $1,000 Administrative Penalty stands.
Morgan, Casurt RoyMay 27, 20249:30 a.m. (virtual)Appeal Decision to come

Notice of Appeal on Sanction
Chaudhri, AslamAppeal by Written SubmissionsAppeal Decision to come

Notice of Record on Appeal
Appeal dismissed by the Appeal Panel.

Appealed sanctions stand.
Krause, PatrickMay 8, 2024
(new date)
9:30 a.m. (virtual)Hearing Panel Decisionuncontested

Notice of Hearing
$15,000 for breach of Real Estate Act Rules s.42(a)
Mohamed, FaroukAppeal by Written SubmissionsAppeal Panel Decision to come

Notice of Record on Appeal
Licence cancelled; may reapply after June 14, 2025, after completing education required for a new licence; $5,000 for breach of Real Estate Act Rules s.42(b); $1,500 for breach of Real Estate Act Rules s.69(a).
Seth, MohitRescheduled for March 21, 2024
9:30 a.m. (virtual)Hearing Panel Decision

Amended Notice of Hearing
$9,000 for breach of Real Estate Act Rules s.42(a); $7,000 for breach of Real Estate Act Rules s.54(3)
Singh, GagandeepAugust 28 & September 18, 20239:30 a.m. (virtual)Appeal Panel Decision

Notice of Hearing
Appeal Dismissed. No additional costs awarded. November 2022 Hearing Panel Decision stands.

Licences canceled; can apply for new licences after December 1, 2030 after completing all education and examination requirements; $80,000 for breaches of Real Estate Act Rules s.42(b); $23,465 in costs.
Schumacher, Anthony PhilippMay 29, 20239:30 a.m. (virtual)Hearing Panel Decision

Notice of Hearing
Written reprimand for breach of Real Estate Act Rules s.41(a) & (b); 42(a) & (g)
Temple, Dale WilliamMay 23, 2023Hearing Panel DecisionMatter discontinued pursuant to Real Estate Act s.45(1)
Dhaliwal, Bhalinder SinghMay 23, 20239:30 a.m. (virtual)Hearing Panel Decision

Notice of Hearing
Licence canceled; may reapply after June 26, 2024, after completing education required for a new licence.
Voth, Shane CameronMay 11, 20239:30 a.m. (virtual)Hearing Panel Decision

Notice of Hearing
Licence cancelled; may reapply after May 10, 2026, after completing required education; $10,000 for breaches of Real Estate Act Rules s.42(b); $5,000 for breach of Real Estate Act s.38(4)(a); $1,500 in costs.
Morgan, Casurt RoyMarch 21–24, 20239:30 a.m. (virtual)Appeal Panel Decision

Hearing Panel Decision

Notice of Hearing
Appeal dismissed; $1,890.75 in costs.
Hearing Panel Decision stands:
Licence canceled; may reapply after December 13, 2026 upon successful completion of all education and examination requirements at that time; $30,000 for breaches of Real Estate Act Rules s.42(b); $15,620 in costs.
Singh, GagandeepJanuary 12-13, 16, 18-20, 23 & 25, 20239:30 a.m. (virtual)Hearing Panel Decision

Notice of Hearing of Appeal of Administrative Penalties
Appeal of Administrative Penalties issued on February 4, 2022.

$25,000 Administrative Penalty stands for breach of Real Estate Act s.17(a); $15,000 Administrative Penalty, reduced from $25,000, for breach of Real Estate Act s.17(b); additional Administrative Penalties withdrawn.
Trojanowicz, AnnaDecember 20, 20229:30 a.m. (virtual)Hearing Panel Decision

Notice of Hearing
$3,000 for breaches of Real Estate Act Rules s.41(b)
Saher, KaukabNovember 4, 20229:30 a.m. (virtual)Hearing Panel Decision

Notice of Hearing
$10,000 for the breach of Real Estate Act s.17(b); $1,500 for the breach of Real Estate Act s.18(2); $1,000 for the breach of Real Estate Act Rules s.45(3); $4,000 for the breach of Real Estate Act Rules s.41(d); $1,000 in costs.
Kalia, SameerSeptember 16, 20229:30 a.m. (virtual)Oral Decision

Notice of Hearing
$10,000 for the breach of Real Estate Act Rules s.42(a); $6,000 for the breach of Real Estate Act Rules s.41(d); $5,000 for the breach of Real Estate Act Rules s.54(3); 19.5-month licence suspension (May 7, 2021–December 21, 2022); $1,000 in costs.
Bedi, PaliSeptember 12, 20229:30 a.m. (virtual)Hearing Panel Decision

Notice of Hearing
$14,500 for breaches of Real Estate Act Rules s.42(a), 41(e), 54(2), & 61(a). $1,000 in costs.
Lal, Angeline VandhanaAugust 2–12, 20229:30 a.m. (virtual)Hearing Panel Decision

Notice of Hearing
$10,000 for breaches of Real Estate Act Rules s.42(a). $1,000 in costs.
Kennedy, David StephenJuly 20, 20229:30 a.m. (virtual)Hearing Panel Decision

Notice of Hearing
Lifetime Cancellation of Broker Licence; 36-month prohibition for applying for any Real Estate Licence commencing at the date of his original suspension, December 13, 2019; successful completion of all education requirements if he does apply for any other licence; and $1,500 in costs
Kelley, Caren SylviaJune 20 & 21, 20229:30 a.m. (virtual)Hearing Panel Decision

Notice of Hearing
Licence cancelled; can apply for new licence after June 28, 2023; $1,500 for breach of Real Estate Act Rules s.41(c); $5,000 for breach of Real Estate Act Rules s.41(d); $1,000 for breach of Real Estate Act Rules s.41(g); $10,000 for breach of Real Estate Act Rules s.42(b); $1,000 for breach of Real Estate Act Rules s.43(3); $1,500 for breach of Real Estate Act Rules s.57(a); $7642 in costs.
Randhawa, Sukhwinder SinghJune 10, 20229:30 a.m. (virtual)Hearing Panel Decision

Notice of Hearing
$5,000 for the breach of the Real Estate Act Rules s.41(d); $3,000 for the breach of the Real Estate Act Rules s.53(c); $3,000 for the breach of Real Estate Act Rules s.54(3); $1,500 for the breach of Real Estate Act Rules s.59(2); $1,000 in costs.
Singh, Gagandeep May 24 to June 3, 2022 (9 full days)9:30 a.m. (virtual)Hearing Panel Decision

Notice of Hearing
Appeal Dismissed. Licences canceled; can apply for new licences after December 1, 2030 and upon successful completion of all education and examination requirements at that time; $80,000 for breaches of Real Estate Act Rules s.42(b); $23,465 in costs.
Chaudhri, AslamMay 24 to June 3, 2022
(9 full days)
9:30 a.m. (virtual)Hearing Panel Decision, pending appeal

Notice of Hearing
pending appeal—Licence canceled; may apply for new licence after January 4, 2024; must successfully complete all education requirements to obtain a new licence; $15,000 for breach of Real Estate Act Rules s.42(b); $21,292.50 in costs
Schumacher, Anthony PhilippApril 22, 20229:30 a.m. (virtual)Notice of Hearing—s.40 Complainant AppealMatter referred to the Registrar for Investigation under Real Estate Act s.40(2).
Mohamed, FaroukApril 11 & 12, 20229:30 a.m. (virtual)Hearing Panel Decision, pending appeal

Notice of Hearing
pending appeal—$15,000 for breach of Real Estate Act s.17(a); $10,500 for breaches of Real Estate Act Rules s.53(a); $5,000 for breach of Real Estate Act Rules s.53(d); $11,000 in costs
Aery, RajneeshJanuary 26, 20229:30 a.m. (virtual)Notice of Hearing$20,000 for breach of Real Estate Act Rules s.42(a); $20,000 for breach of Real Estate Act Rules. s.42(b); 3-month licence suspension (April 1–June 30, 2022); $500 in costs
Simmons, Melenda ArleneDecember 3, 20219:30 a.m. (virtual)Hearing Panel Decision

Notice of Hearing
$8,500 for the breaches of the Real Estate Act Rules s.41(b) ($2,000), 41(d) ($2,500), 42(a) ($1,500), 41(f) ($1,500), 43(1) ($1,000). $6,000 for the breaches of the Real Estate Act Rules s.41(b) ($2,500), 58(k) ($2,000), 55(1) ($1,500). Must complete Education Upgrade Course Commercial Real Estate within 3 months. Must complete Education Update Courses of Consumer Relationships; Contract Law; Ethics, Professionalism and Risk Reduction; and Real Estate Act, Rules and Regulations within 12 months.
Knutson, James KennethNovember 25 & 26, 20219:30 a.m. (virtual)Hearing Panel Decision

Notice of Hearing

Change in Panel Independent Legal Council

Initial Notice of Hearing
Licence cancelled pursuant to Hearing Panel Order (section 43(1)(a) of the Real Estate Act). May apply for licence after 60 months. Must successfully complete all required pre-licensing education requirements if reapplying for a licence after this period.
Fleming, Austin SpencerNovember 24, 20219:30 a.m. (virtual)Appeal Panel Decision

Notice of Hearing
Hearing Panel quashed the previously levied Administrative Penalty.
Pethick, Gordon WesleyOctober 13, 20219:30 a.m. (virtual)Appeal Panel Decision

Notice of Appeal
$6,607.50 in costs, and must complete unit five of the Fundamentals of Real Estate Course on consumer relationships within six months
Bowers, Kathleen MargaretSeptember 30, 2021 & October 1 20219:30 a.m. (virtual)Hearing Panel Decision

Notice of Hearing
$2,500 for breach of Real Estate Act Rules s.41(b)
Eger, David GeorgeSeptember 24, 20219:30 a.m. (virtual)Hearing Panel Decision

Notice of Hearing
Letter of Reprimand for breach of Real Estate Act Rules s.51(1)(l)(i) and (ii);
costs in the amount of $250
Pelletier, David Vincent September 24, 20219:30 a.m. (virtual)Hearing Panel Decision

Notice of Hearing
$1,500 for the breach of Real Estate Act Rule s.42(a); Letter of Reprimand for breach of Real Estate Act Rule s.53(f);
costs in the amount of $250;
Cai, TieboMay 26 & 27, 2021 (virtual)9:30amHearing Panel Decision on Appeal

Notice of Hearing
Administrative penalty withdrawn
Cowley, Thomas DarrolMarch 10 & 11, 20219:30 am (virtual)Hearing Panel Decision

Notice of Hearing
$5,000 for the breach of the Real Estate Act Rule 44(2)(a); $10,000 for the breaches of the Real Estate Act Rule 51(1)(e); $20,000 fine for the breaches of the Real Estate Act Rule 51(1)(a); $2,500 fine for the breach of the Real Estate Act 38(4); licence cancellation, with a possibility to re-apply after 1 year, but only at the level of associate; costs in the amount of $8,020.
Wade, John WilliamJanuary 25, 26, & 27 (half day)9:30 am (virtual)Hearing Panel Decision on Appeal

Hearing Panel Decision

Notice of Hearing
$5,000 for the breach of Real Estate Act s.17(a); $1,500 for the breach of Real Estate Act Rules s.41(d); $1,500 for the breach of Real Estate Act Rules s.41(e); $2,500 in costs.
Pethick, Gordon WesleyOctober 22 & 23, 2020 (virtual)9:30 amHearing Panel Decision

Notice of Hearing
Decision appealed.
Phipps, Warren ConstantineOctober 20, 2020 (virtual)9:30 amHearing Panel Decisions

Notice of Hearing
$7,500 for breach of the Real Estate Act s.38(4)(a). $1,650 in costs associated with the investigation and the hearing.
Pellettier, DavidOctober 28, 2020 (virtual hearing)9:30 amComplainant Appeal Decision

Notice of Hearing
The Panel found sufficient evidence of conduct deserving of sanction to warrant a hearing by a Hearing Panel for Mr. Pellettier.
Crisostomo, Rowell BarbonSeptember 25, 2020 (telephone hearing)9:30 amHearing Panel Decision
Notice of Hearing
$1,000 for breach of Rule 41(b). $500.00 for costs associated with the investigation and Hearing. Mr. Crisostomo is prohibited from submitting deals to a lender without prior approval from the broker or broker delegate until successful completion of unit seven and nine of the Mortgage Associates Program.
Kainth, Ajay EsherJuly 28, 2020
(via teleconference)
9:30 amHearing Panel DecisionMust complete Fundamentals of Real Estate, Unit Three course within 3 months. $6,000 in fines plus $500 in costs.
Merchant, Mehboob AliMarch 17, 2020 (Appeal)

September 9-11, 2019 (and September 13, 2019, if required)
Phase 2: October 17, 2019
9:30 am (telephone conference)Appeal Panel Decision - Feb 2021

Appeal Panel Decision

Decision Response

Hearing Panel Decision
Licence cancelled pursuant to Hearing Panel Order (section 43(1)(a) of the Real Estate Act). May apply for licence after 12 months.
$21,000 in fines plus $1,500 in costs
Bonwick, ShelleyMarch 2–13, 20209:30 amHearing Panel Decision

Notice of Hearing
Licence cancelled and cannot reapply for seven(7) years; $48,000 in fines; $42,585 in costs.
Uittenbogerd, CornelisFebruary 26, 20209:30 amHearing Panel Decision

Notice of Hearing
1 month suspended licence, $3,500 for breach of Real Estate Act Rules s.57(3) & 41(d); $3,500 for breach of Real Estate Act Rules. s.59; $7,500 for breach of Real Estate Act Rules s.42(a); $1,500 for breach of Real Estate Act Rules s.62; $1,500 in costs

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