Submitting a Complaint

RECA is responsible for setting and enforcing the standards of practice for the industry. RECA will investigate complaints about licensees breaching those standards, and issue discipline when necessary. RECA also investigates individuals or companies practicing without a licence.

RECA reviews complaints from consumers, licensees, industry associations, financial institutions, law enforcement agencies, and other regulatory bodies. RECA will also review information received from any source that could potentially breach RECA legislation.

RECA will only examine complaints that fall under its jurisdiction (through the Real Estate Act and Real Estate Act Rules). 

RECA does not investigate matters that relate to the conduct or obligations of buyers, sellers, property owners, tenants, or condominium boards/corporations, nor is RECA responsible for investigating complaints against condominium managers for matters that fall under the Condominium Property Act. Please contact Service Alberta through the appropriate channel for:


If you want to file a written complaint with RECA against an licensee or an individual you believe is carrying out activities that require a licence, please complete a complaint form.

Submit a Complaint

Complaint Guides

Guide to Complaints: Licensees

Guide to Complaints: Unauthorized Practice

Before making a formal complaint, you may want to contact a RECA Information Officer to discuss your issue and other options available, such as:

  • attempting to resolve the complaint by discussing it with the associate and the broker
  • seeking the advice of a lawyer or other professionals
  • continuing with a written complaint to RECA that states your concerns and requests an investigation

RECA will only examine complaints that fall under its jurisdiction (through the Real Estate Act and Real Estate Act Rules). RECA does not investigate matters that relate to the conduct or obligations of a buyer or seller.

If a complainant is reluctant to make a written complaint or is unwilling to cooperate fully with an investigation, RECA will carefully reconsider the validity of the complaint before deciding whether to proceed with an investigation. RECA investigates anonymous complaints, written or otherwise, when RECA believes the information is reliable.

RECA notifies licensees when they are the subject of a complaint. At this stage, RECA informs the licensee of the nature of the complaint and the complainant’s name.

RECA reviews complaints to determine if

  •  it is within RECA’s jurisdiction
  • the allegations, if true, would be a breach of the legislation
  • there is sufficient particulars to support any alleged potential breach

If the complaint meets this criteria, RECA opens an investigation and gathers relevant information. For information on the professional conduct review process, please see Professional Conduct Review.

If the complaint does not meet the criteria, RECA will refuse the complaint and suggest alternative resolutions to the complainant where appropriate. In some circumstances, the complainant will have a right to appeal RECA’s decision not to investigate. For information on a complainant’s right to appeal, please see Appealing the Registrar’s Decision That No Further Action be Taken.

Making a complaint to RECA does not prevent a complainant from taking legal action against a licensee or other party.

RECA cannot obtain financial compensation for a complainant. Complainants can seek compensation through the Courts.

If a complainant suffered a loss due to fraud, breach of trust, or a failure to disburse or account for money held in trust on the part of the licensee, they can apply for compensation from the Consumer Protection Fund.

More Info: