News Bytes - February 2022
National Real Estate AML/ATF Virtual Forum Registration is Now Open FINTRAC is hosting its first National Real Estate AML/ATF Virtual Forum designed for professionals in the real estate sector. Learn…
The Regulator newsletter is a quarterly publication for licensees, industry associations, the Government of Alberta, and all other interested stakeholders.
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National Real Estate AML/ATF Virtual Forum Registration is Now Open FINTRAC is hosting its first National Real Estate AML/ATF Virtual Forum designed for professionals in the real estate sector. Learn…
The RECA Board was pleased to welcome the Minister of Service Alberta, the Honourable Nate Glubish, to our Board meeting on November 10, 2021. It was a pleasure for the…
Summary of activities since August from Terry Engen, Chair RECA has successfully entered a new licensing year, and I would like to thank the commercial and agri-business licensees from across…
Summary of activities since August from Clarence Lee, Chair Though the renewal season is officially behind us, the busy times never cease at RECA and on the Mortgage Broker Industry…
Summary of activities since August from Don Newell, Chair As you know, condominium managers must be licensed with RECA by December 1, 2021. If you haven’t started your licensing process,…
Summary of activities since August from Sano Stante, Chair Firstly, thank you to all the residential real estate brokerages, brokers, associate brokers, and associates who took the time to renew…
Message from Russ Morrow CEO, RECA It’s been a busy three months since I started at RECA on August 9. I’ve had the privilege of continuing to meet with many…
With the latest licensing renewal period behind us, RECA is happy to report that overall, the industry outlook remains positive. The Numbers Year-over-year, the number of individuals licensed in Alberta…