News Bytes August 2019
Renewals will open August 19 for brokers; August 26 for everyone else Brokers can begin renewing their brokerages can begin renewing their licence on August 19, 2019. Brokers must renew…
The Regulator newsletter is a quarterly publication for licensees, industry associations, the Government of Alberta, and all other interested stakeholders.
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Renewals will open August 19 for brokers; August 26 for everyone else Brokers can begin renewing their brokerages can begin renewing their licence on August 19, 2019. Brokers must renew…
Welcome to this spring edition of the Regulator newsletter. A lot has been happening at RECA. You’ll be able to read information about Council initiatives in the Council Highlights section…
Council Highlights - April 17 Meeting Council elected Stan Mills to the position of Chair-Elect of Council. His term began on April 17, 2019 and will end on October 31,…
Residential Measurement Standard (RMS) From January 18 – March 18, 2019, Council consulted about the consequences of the current methodology for measuring semi-detached and attached properties. The current methodology in…
If you work in older communities, chances are you have some experience with buying/selling/leasing secondary suites (defined by the Alberta Government as self-contained living units created within single-family homes). As…
Real estate professionals often ask why mortgage professionals seem reluctant to provide them with a letter confirming that their clients’ financing conditions have been met and they can waive conditions.…
UPDATE: the clarifications and amendments to the Advertising Guidelines are on hold. RECA will work diligently and cooperatively with the Minister of Service Alberta to ensure compliance with the Minister’s Order…
Know which courses you need to complete by September 30, 2019 There are mandatory courses for real estate professionals All professionals practicing in the real estate industry must complete re-licensing…