Education Opportunities

There are pre-licensing education opportunities in all industries licensed by RECA—real estate, mortgage, property management, and condominium management. Course providers have the opportunity to offer courses in any or all of the industries within the course formats set out by RECA Industry Councils.

RECA Industry Councils have organized pre-licensing education into a course structure that includes fundamentals and practice courses. Like the name suggests, fundamentals courses provide the foundational knowledge required by all licensees in that industry. The practice courses provide more in-depth information on a specific area of practice, building on the knowledge gained through the fundamentals course.

In turn, courses for upgrading from an associate licence class to associate broker or broker licence class, build on the competencies gained in the practice courses.

This format separation enables learners to get the in-depth practice education they need without having to duplicate fundamental education each time. It also provides learners with the flexibility to complete their pre-licensing education in a way that works best for them based on their learning needs, budget, and previous experience with a course provider.

Pre-licensing education opportunities for condominium managers ensure that individuals understand their obligations for performing their duties under the Real Estate Act and Real Estate Act Rules in addition to the ins and outs of what it means to practice condominium management.

Condominium managers exercise the power, or perform the duties, of a condominium corporation on behalf of that corporation. These duties commonly include:

  • collecting, holding or disbursing funds levied by the condo corporation or due to the corporation under the Condominium Property Act (e.g., condo fees)
  • enforcing the bylaws or rules of the condo corporation
  • negotiating and entering into contracts on behalf of the condo corporation
  • supervising employees or contractors hired by the condo corporation

Under the Real Estate Act, RECA is responsible for regulating individuals and companies (brokerages) providing condominium management services in Alberta.

For more information on condominium management services and duties of a condo corporation, see the Condominium Property Act.

Course structure and materials

Course providers can offer any or all three condominium manager courses:

1. Fundamentals of Condominium Management

This course must be completed by:

  • new condominium manager associates entering the industry
  • all individuals who currently offer condominium manager services who DO NOT currently hold a licence with RECA in another industry

2. Practice of Condominium Management

This course must be completed by:

  • new condominium manager associates entering the industry
  • all individuals who currently offer condominium manager services who DO NOT currently hold a licence with RECA in another industry
  • all individuals who currently offer condominium manager services who DO currently hold a licence with RECA in another industry

3. Condominium Manager Broker

This course must be completed by:

  • new condominium manager brokers
  • all individuals who currently offer condominium manager services as an associate broker or broker who DO NOT currently hold a licence with RECA in another industry

Course enrolment history

To enable course providers to determine whether they want to become a course provider should review the annual enrolment numbers to date.

Course 2022 2023 2024 Average Annual Enrolment
Fundamentals of Condominium Management 355 127 165 216
Practice of Condominium Management 638 109 107 285
Condominium Management Broker Program 115 29 22 55


Condominium Management Pre-Licensing Education Opportunities Resources for download

Materials available to course providers interested in offering condominium management pre-licensing education include:

Pre-licensing education opportunities for mortgage brokers ensure that individuals understand their obligations for performing their duties under the Real Estate Act and Real Estate Act Rules in addition to the ins and outs of brokering mortgages.

Mortgage brokers deal in mortgages on behalf of borrowers and lenders for compensation. Mortgage broker duties and activities include:

  • soliciting a person to borrow or lend money secured by a mortgage
  • negotiating a mortgage transaction
  • collecting mortgage payments
  • administering mortgages
  • buying mortgages, selling mortgages, exchanging mortgages, or offering to do so
  • holding oneself as a mortgage broker

Under the Real Estate Act, RECA is responsible for regulating individuals and companies (brokerages) providing mortgage brokerage services in Alberta.

Course structure and materials

Course providers can offer any or all three mortgage courses:

1. Fundamentals of Mortgage Brokerage

This course must be completed by:

  • new mortgage associates entering the industry

2. Practice of Mortgage Brokerage

This course must be completed by:

  • new mortgage associates entering the industry

3. Mortgage Broker

This course must be completed by:

  • new mortgage brokers

Course enrolment history

To enable course providers to determine whether they want to become a course provider should review the annual enrolment numbers to date.

Course Pre-divestment Average
Annual Enrolment
2022 2023 2024 Post-divestment* Average
Annual Enrolment
Fundamentals of Mortgage Brokerage 278 708 848 856 804
Practice of Mortgage Brokerage n/a 483 288 480 417
Mortgage Broker Program 45 73 14 8 32

*RECA divested from providing pre-licensing courses prior to the 2021–2022 fiscal year.

Mortgage Pre-Licensing Education Opportunities Resources for download

Materials available to course providers interested in offering mortgage pre-licensing education include:

Pre-licensing education opportunities for real estate licensees ensure that individuals understand their obligations for performing their duties under the Real Estate Act and Real Estate Act Rules in addition to the ins and outs of what it means to trade in real estate.

Real estate licensees—commonly referred to as real estate agents—buy or sell real estate on behalf of another person or company for compensation. Individuals can be licensed in commercial, residential, or rural real estate, as well as property management. Real estate licensee duties can include facilitating:

  • a purchase or sale of real estate
  • an offer to purchase or sell real estate
  • an offering, advertisement, or listing of real estate for purchase or sale
  • the showing of real estate for the purpose of purchase or sale
  • holding oneself out as someone who can trade in real estate
  • the solicitation, negotiation or obtaining of a contract, agreement or any arrangement for an activity referred to in the bullets above
  • any conduct or act to advance an activity referred to in the above bullets
  • property management duties
    • leasing or offering to lease real estate, or negotiating or approving, or offering to negotiate or approve, a lease or rental of real estate
    • holding money received in connection with a lease or rental of real estate
    • advertising, negotiating, or carrying out any other activity, directly or indirectly, for the purpose of furthering an activity above

Under the Real Estate Act, RECA is responsible for regulating individuals and companies (brokerages) providing real estate services in Alberta.

Course structure and materials

Course providers can offer any or all of the real estate pre-licensing courses:

1. Fundamentals of Real Estate

This course must be completed by:

  • new real estate associates entering the industry

2a. Practice of Residential Real Estate

This course must be completed by:

  • new residential real estate associates entering the industry
  • all individuals who are applying to upgrade their real estate licence class from associate to associate broker or broker

2b. Practice of Property Management

This course must be completed by:

  • new property manager associates entering the industry
  • all individuals who are applying to upgrade their real estate licence class from associate to associate broker or broker

2c. Practice of Commercial Real Estate

This course must be completed by:

  • new commercial real estate associates entering the industry
  • all individuals who are applying to upgrade their real estate licence class from associate to associate broker or broker

2d. Practice of Rural Real Estate

This course must be completed by:

  • new rural real estate associates entering the industry
  • all individuals who are applying to upgrade their real estate licence class from associate to associate broker or broker

3. Real Estate Broker

This course must be completed by:

  • new real estate brokers

Course enrolment history

To enable course providers to determine whether they want to become a course provider should review the annual enrolment numbers to date.

Course Pre-divestment Average
Annual Enrolment
2022 2023 2024 Post-divestment* Average
Annual Enrolment
Fundamentals of Real Estate 1,671 3,704 3,927 3,410 3,680
Practice of Residential Real Estate 1,034 1,336 1,978 3,022 2,112
Practice of Property Management 239 439 442 435 439
Practice of Commercial Real Estate 271 131 559 522 404
Practice of Rural Real Estate 140 257 229 206 231
Real Estate Broker Program 101 88 97 104 96

*RECA divested from providing pre-licensing courses prior to the 2021–2022 fiscal year.

Real Estate Pre-Licensing Education Opportunities Resources for download

Materials available to course providers interested in offering real estate pre-licensing education include:

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